Friday, May 1, 2009

hooray for may!

I'm so happy it's May! We're that much closer to consistently nice, warm weather :)

To celebrate, I'll post some pictures of one of my favorite families- two very good friends of mine from high school got married and had a beautiful, exuberant daughter...and then had adorable twin sons!! They are such amazing parents, and their kids are so happy and friendly. And super cute!

Abbie asked her daddy to go for a walk out on the dock when he got home from work:

And here are Colin and Caleb...twins that will never be mistaken for each other. They each have their very own unique, gorgeous features.

Bathtime! Too cute!!

Only mommy's shoulder made an appearance on the blog, because she was still in scrubs from a long day at work, and even though she looked fabulous, I know she would beat me up if I posted a picture of her online :) But these next two shots were her idea, and I love how they turned out! Gotta love the hooded towels and bare toes!!

I love you guys! See you again soon!