Monday, April 6, 2009

busy bees

Right now, the rain is pounding on the roof and streaming down the windows, and I can't believe how different today is compared to yesterday. Springtime was in full effect yesterday and I was loving the sunshine. When I was walking in Woods Hole, I felt like the crocuses were calling out to me to take pictures of them- they're so vibrant! As I got closer, I noticed tons of bees, diligently collecting pollen. Photography makes me happy in so many ways, some big, and some small...for instance, in the first picture, I got lucky and captured three bees in focus in the same shot! Yes! I do realize I'm a photography nerd, and I'm okay with that :) If you look closely at the last picture of this series, you can see the pollen on the bee's little legs. Just thought it was cool and wanted to share. Happy Spring!

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